IBC 2023: Grass Valley Showcases its GV Media Universe
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IBC 2023: Grass Valley Showcases its GV Media Universe

Sep 01, 2023

By SVG Staff Thursday, August 31, 2023 - 11:19 am Print This Story | Subscribe

Grass Valley brings to the IBC 2023 Show an extensive product portfolio designed to support the changing live content creation, processing and distribution needs of today’s Media & Entertainment professionals on stand 9-A01.

With its “Anytime, Anywhere, Any Way” exhibit theme, Grass Valley showcases an open ecosystem that unifies the traditional hardware with next-gen software-driven solutions, such as its cloud-native AMPP (Agile Media Processing Platform) production and distribution ecosystem.

“Major organizations around the world have put their faith and trust in our innovation and service that has made us one of the most trusted brands in our industry. Grass Valley has taken a leadership role in creating what is rapidly becoming the platform standard for our industry built to solve the most intense issues our industry is facing,” says Louis Hernandez Jr, CEO for Grass Valley. “With our GV Media Universe, AMPP, and the scalability and upgradeability of our hardware and software products across the suite, customers can now rapidly tailor their workflows based upon whichever traditional, hybrid or cloud approach best serves their needs today, and well into the future. With Grass Valley, there’s no longer a binary approach to choosing between ground and cloud.”

Anytime, Anywhere, Any WayWhether broadcasters choose a fully hardware-based facility, remote or mobile workflows or an all-in cloud strategy, AMPP – and the entire Grass Valley portfolio – give them the features and capabilities they need where and when they need it. AMPP lets them ramp up or down and expand or collapse their capabilities anyway they wish, for whatever duration they need.

As a fully cloud-native solution, AMPP is a secure, reliable open ecosystem architected with standard REST APIs throughout, integrating applications from 80 third- party partner companies, as well as over 100 cloud native applications of its own. Standard REST API integration points for every part of the solution allow for tight integration to both customer and third party control and deployment solutions, whilst comprehensive signal format support means that AMPP can be inserted into the customers’ signal path anywhere it’s required, from simple graphics overlays through to full workflow chains.

Easing into the FutureVisitors to Grass Valley’s IBC exhibit will see solutions geared to live sports, newsrooms and entertainment production for linear broadcast, media streaming and/or over-the-top services.

“While we continually innovate and upgrade our products based on our customers’ ever- evolving needs, we’re committed to preserving the familiar interfaces, control panels and functionality that Grass Valley operators have come to count on, regardless of whether their equipment resides locally, in data centers, at remote sites, on trucks, in the cloud or a mix of them all,” says Ian Fletcher, CTO for Grass Valley.

Grass Valley video production switchers are widely installed in all sorts of production facilities, including broadcast networks, mobile OB units and remote sites, as well as studios run by corporations, universities, and houses of worship. The Grass Valley K-Frame XP video processing engine can be controlled by control surfaces like the Grass Valley Kayenne, Karrera and Korona. Grass Valley’s software based switcher and production solutions powered by AMPP further compliment the portfolio to cater to any and all events.

Keeping the Future in SightThe Grass Valley LDX 100 series broadcast camera platform exemplifies the flexibility and upgradeability of key products in its portfolio. This camera system lets customers choose the camera/XCU configuration (and IP and SDI functionality) of their choice. It also lets them choose to license an upgrade to full IP connectivity later to do remote productions more efficiently. Whether it’s the video format or ability to do slow motion, customers have options, such as taking a 1080p camera today and licensing it for 4K for just a couple of weeks.

“As we further innovate software- and cloud-driven product lines, the industry can rest assured that we remain committed to dedicated, on-premises hardware. And as we enhance these systems, freelance crews will be able to sit down to familiar control panels without any learning curves to delay live production,” says Hernandez Jr. “With our GV One program, we now offer timely personalized customer support and issue resolution to ensure that productions keep moving forward. While change is inevitable in the Media & Entertainment technology sector, navigating it need not be disruptive, but rather a smooth, seamless and rewarding experience.”

Louis Hernandez Jr, CEO for Grass ValleyAnytime, Anywhere, Any WayEasing into the FutureIan Fletcher, CTO for Grass ValleyKeeping the Future in Sight